12 C Media Studies

Now you have been introduced to some of the key representational theories and we have modelled some analysis in class, it is time to tackle an essay question. The essay should be 700-1000 words long and is due on Monday, October 13th.


Discuss the ways Homeland constructs the representation of either gender or the CIA.


Use the theories and questions we have used in class to help shape your answer. Also, you need to refer to:

– Camera shots

– Editing

– Sound

– Mise en scene


See on Scoop.itYear 12 Media Studies

Family h/w 1

Today, the nuclear family is the ideal family form. (12 marks)


Remember you need to include 3 pieces of evidence for and against the statement. Include Murdock, politicians and family diversity (reasons as well)


Due next lesson

See on Scoop.itAS Sociology

Research Task

Over the next week, I want you to investigate how much prominence religion has in UK life. I would you to record any time you come across any reference to a religion, any religious symbolism or buildings. Once you have collected the information, please write a short report of around 500 words summarising and evaluating your findings.

See on Scoop.itA2 Sociology

Lesson Two: The Sociological Imagination

Today’s lesson was all about encouraging you all to embrace a sociological consciousness and imagination. Peter Berger argues that Sociologists should always question and challenge the common sense -things are not always as they seem. Hopefully the task today proved that. Here is the conclusion to the task:




1. The main point of the little test you have just done is not to ridicule commonsense explanations. Rather it is to demonstrate that:

a. The purpose of sociology is to add to the sum total of human knowledge about our behaviour.

b. Knowledge that is produced through testing and examination helps us to explain more than knowledge that is simply based on faith, assertion or opinion.

c. Knowledge that “everyone knows” is not by definition false. The objective of all social science is to produce valid knowledge – knowledge that paints an accurate picture of human behaviour, meanings and motives (thereby adding to the sum total of what “everyone knows” to be true in a society).


2. In the next section of the course we can start to develop some of the ideas discussed in the first part of the course. In particular, we can start to develop the idea of a sociological perspective in more depth, concentrating on two main ideas:

a. Firstly, the way in which sociologists have developed an understanding of the way human societies are organised. This will involve a discussion of the concept of “society”, as well as concepts such as culture and socialisation (how we learn how to be members of a culture and society.

b. Secondly, an initial outline of the way the general sociological perspective can be further refined by looking at differences of perspective and interpretation within Sociology

See on Scoop.itA2 Sociology