Four Thimun Film Festival Nominations

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Four Doha College Film have been nominated for the Thimun Film Festival, 2013. Well done to Sam , Suleima, Beth, Moonira, Anisha, Gabby and Faris. The films will be judged on April 13th.

By dohacollegemediastudies Posted in Thimun Tagged

Can Documentaries Change the World?

Having watched several documentaries in class, we are left with one of the most fundamental questions of documentary film – can documentaries change the world?

A tough one…I wonder if Moore’s ‘Capitalism, A Love Story’ and Ferguson’s ‘Inside Job’ have helped fuel the passions of many of the anti-capitalist/banking protests in New York etc…Perhaps Morgan Spurlock’s Super Size Me sparked a debate on nutrition and Michael Moore’s ‘Bowling for Columbine’ encouraged tighter gun control laws…

Have a read of and have a look at the Puma/C4 award

If you think you can make a documentary which can have a social impact, if not change the world! Check out the Thimun Film Festival:

QMUN 2011

This year we had 4 entries (Jack and Millie, Dhiren, Nerea and Beth, Serene and Sophie) and 9 nominations.

We had one winner this year (although we could have had more!).

Sophie Puet, Serene Fakhra and Bethany Godley won the prize for best editing and narrowly lost out in the race for best picture.

Congratulations to all those who entered, hope you enjoyed the evening (the lamb was lovely!)…next year the competition is international so I am hoping for lots of entries.